What are Bestead Neighborhoods?
A Bestead neighborhood is comprised of 4 or more permaculture focused homesteads located within a mile radius and collectively managed by an Om-stead location— an educational resource and technology center for managing a particular section of the grid. These neighborhoods will be supported with locally grown organic starter plants, technology, and other educational resources by Bestead Inc. to live sustainably with localized support from Traditional Farms, Greenhouses & Aeroponic Micro-Farms.
Berkshire County, Massachusetts
Spread across Berkshire County, Bestead owned locations or affiliated locations would serve as command centers for managing these satellite locations and “Micro-Farms” (portable gardens with automated aeroponic-based systems) by use of IoT monitoring of the “shared” green spaces. Growing space will be coordinated to maintain optimal yields and environments for high quality organic produce
Inventories of all affiliated Besteads are tracked and purchasable through the food grid mobile app and/or website. Individuals and businesses will be able to sell their own products into the grid.
Systems can be managed independently via smart device, or remotely by Bestead
Lease agreements similar to the Solar Industry will be used for technology services